Welcome to my corner of the wired.
I'm a pre-service teacher at the University of Western Australia currently studying my Master of Teaching (Secondary). I previously achieved my Bachelor of Science in mathematics and statistics also at UWA. I'm also a musician based in the Perth area. I most notably play bass for j-rock band Nyamaha↗. On this site you can read my various deranged and midwit ramblings.
If you would like to contact me you can do so through the following channels:
- Email...: cameroncassells2000[at]gmail[d0t]com
- IRC.....: camscout101@irc.libera.chat
- XMPP....: legendofretro@jabber.sdf.org
- Discord.: legendofretro
- Mastodon: @legendofretro@mastodon.sdf.org