Convenient Internet Radio Stations

I have an assignment due in a week so no better time to go down a rabbit-hole I guess.

I was listening to aNON Radio -- SDF's community radio -- with the provided stream URL in VLC. I liked the convenience of streaming directly into a media player without annoying web interfaces and it got me thinking I could probably scrape stream URLs from other online radio stations. Sure enough with the Javascript console I was able to pull the URLs of a handful of local radio station streams as well as some international stations of interest.

Managing all these URLs in a text file was unwieldy, especially when I wanted to tune in on other devices. The solution I've found is to keep them in a XSPF file. XSPF is an XML playlist format defined by Xiph.Org and is native to most good audio players. In the XSPF file I can add metadata for station names, descriptions, and logos. Now I have a portable file containing all the stations I might listen to that I can transfer between devices, not unlike using OPML for RSS subscriptions. It's not perfect, but it works on VLC, Clementine, and Foobar2000 (with a plugin).

I'll link my XSPF file on my homepage. I'm interested to know if anyone else has a system like this? Station recs are also greatly appreciated. I've been enjoying Shonan Beach FM, a jazz station out of Japan.

Orignally published on gopherspace 2023-04-22.